Location: Pohnpei Island, Federated States of Micronesia
How can we improve the resilience of coastal mangroves in Micronesia in light of sea level rise?
Sea level rise in Micronesia is significantly impacting traditional cultures and coastal resources including mangroves. Mangroves are particularly sensitive to sea level rise, but adaptation actions can increase their resilience. The goal for the Micronesia Mangrove Adaptation Initiative (MMAI) is to build local capacity on Pohnpei and throughout Micronesia to increase coastal and community resilience by providing tools for communities and local governments to determine stresses on mangroves and plan actions to alleviate these stresses given climate change.
As a part of the MMAI, the PICCC is providing support to the Micronesian Conservation Trust to develop and island-wide mangrove adaptation and management plan. The Pohnpei Mangrove Management Planning project will assist natural resource managers to manage mangroves according to a plan that incorporates findings from a comprehensive mangrove vulnerability assessment and extensive stakeholder consultations. This will ensure that Pohnpei’s mangroves and communities are more resilient to climate change and inform mangrove planning in other jurisdictions.
Project Partners:
Micronesian Conservation Trust